Tuesday, August 5, 2014

SKETCHUP Create a Caravan 4 (Trailer)

SketchUp: Create Trailer For The Papaw’s Cabin Caravan


1) Create a new SketchUp document and save as “papaw-trailer”.

2) Create the half-base for the trailer.

Create a rectangle of 4’ x 16’.

3) Create Guide Lines for wheel and axles.

4) Draw wheel and axle.

4.1) Draw Rectangle 1’1” x 6”
4.2) Make a Group.
4.3) Move it 1” away from the trailer base.
4.4) Using Arc Tool, draw a Half Circle.
4.5) Using Rectangle Tool, draw a Square from the origin (refer image).
4.6) Using Rectangle Tool, draw a rectangle that splits the Square.
4.7) Delete some faces and edges and leave only the following shapes.
4.8) Draw an Arc starting at the center of the black Arc with length 2’2” along Green Axis ….
4.9) … and Bulge 1’1” along Blue Axis
4.11) Draw another arc in opposite direction.
4.12) Apply Follow Me Tool…
4.13) Outcome:
4.14) Apply Colour Material.
4.15) Using Move Tool, Duplicate the tire to another point ,ie 3’ distance.
4.16) Extrude the innermost circle to form axle.
4.17) Move the trailer base upward so that the axles lie below the base.
4.18) Raise the height of the base to 4”.

5) Create Mirror Copy of objects.

5.1) Select All Objects.
5.2) Using Move Tool, press [CTRL] Key and drag the objects along Red-Axis.
5.3) Right-click the duplicate object, select Flip Along Red Axis
5.4) The duplicate objects are flipped back now.
5.5) Move the duplicate objects close to the original objects.
5.6) Delete the extra lines.

6) Draw the connector.

6.1) Draw squares and then draw circle in them.
6.1) Draw three lines.
6.2) Delete the faces.
6.3) Clear the lines in the circles.
6.4) Using Follow Me and Extrude method, you will end up having like this…

7) Import the Trailer to the Cabin Model.




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