Wednesday, August 6, 2014

SKETCHUP: Build 3D Model Car (BMW M5 E60) From 2D Images

SKETCHUP: Build 3D Model Car (BMW M5 E60) From 2D Images


If you are new to SketchUp, it is advisable that you go through the following tutorials first:


1) Download Image

The original image was taken from 
The image was modified using Photoshop for easier image tracing. The modified image is available at 
Displaying bmw-m5-e60.png

2) Create a new SketchUp Document

2.1) Save as bmw-m5
2.2) Switch to Right View.

3) Import BMW M5 E60 image.

3.1) Go to menu File/Import…
3.2)  Select the file and select the option “use as image”.
3.3)  Place the image at the origin point on the Green Axis.
3.4) Click at the origin point and drag your mouse to right approximately 12’.

4) Clone the source image into four separate pieces of images.

4.1) Using Measure Tool, draw guide lines as shown below.
4.2) Explode the image.
1- Click Select Tool.
2- Right-click and Select Explode.
4.3) Clone the right side image.
1- Click Rectangle Tool.
2- Click the bottom right corner of the image and Drag to top left.
3- Click the top left corner point.
4.4) Select the rectangle.
Using Select Tool, double-click the rectangle that you have created just now.
4.5) Duplicate the cloned image.
4.6) Repeat the same steps to clone other images as well.

5) Position perspective images at their respective view point.

5.1) Double-click the Top View Image .
5.2) Set the base line for rotation.
5.3) Rotate for 90 degree.
5.4) Double-click the Front View Image.
5.5) Set the base line for rotation.
5.6) Rotate for 90 degree.
5.7) Move the Front View Image to the position shown below.
5.8) Do the same rotation for the Back View Image.
5.9) Before moving the image, draw a guide line downward from the Bottom View Image.
5.10) Move the image towards the Guide Point.
5.11) Move the image to the position as shown below.
5.12) Draw a mid-point line on the top view image.
Notice that the mid-point line should cross the BMW logo.
5.13) Draw a line perpendicular to the center point of the windscreen base.
Replace the line with a guide line.
5.14) Duplicate the side view image and place it on top of the mid-point line.
5.15) Check that …
1- … it should look like this from Top.
2- … the guide line should touch the center of windscreen base at (a) and there is a gap between the side view image and the top view image at (b).
5.16) Create a separate group for each of the images.
You can check that you have grouped them correctly using Outliner Window.

DOWNLOAD: Completed Project File



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