Saturday, August 23, 2014

AUTOCAD FUNDAMENTALS 104 (Move, Mirror and Copy )

AUTOCAD FUNDAMENTALS 104 (Move, Mirror and Copy )


1)Start AutoCAD.

Save as “car-model-1”.

2) Download the image below.

Save as “car-model.gif”

3) Import the image into your AutoCAD Drawing.

3-1) Go to Ribbon: Insert/Reference/Attach.
3-2) Find the “car-model.gif” file.
3-3) Set the following Attach Image values.
3-3-1) Path Type: Full Path
3-3-2) Insertion point: Specify on-screen (No), X=0, Y=0, Z=0
3-3-3) Scale: Specify on-screen (No), 1
3-3-4) Rotation: Specify on-screen (No), 0
3-3-5) Click the Zoom Extent button on the Navigation Bar to show the whole image on the drawing space.

4) Draw the Rear Wheel.

4-1) Go to Ribbon, Select: Home/Draw/Circle/3-Point.
Look at the example on the help dialog window.
4-2) Click on three points as shown below.
4-3) Change the layer color from White to Red so that you can see the drawing clearly.

5) Draw the Center Point of the Rear Wheel.

5-1) Select Point Tool.
Go to Ribbon: Select Home/Draw/Point
5-2) Activate Snap function.
Turn On Object Snap.
Turn On Center.
5-3) Click the center of the Circle object.

6) Draw the other circular parts of the Rear Wheel.

6-1) Select Circle (Center, Radius)
6-2) Draw circle objects.

7) Group the Circle Objects.

7-1) Select the circles.
7-2) Right-Click and Select Group/Group.

8) Move Wheel Object Group to the Front Wheel.

8-1) Turn On the Ortho Mode.
8-2) Select the Group.
Find the grip. (Blue Node)
8-3) Click the Grip and move it to the right until the group is nicely placed on top of Front Wheel.
8-4) The Wheel Object now has moved from Rear Wheel to Front Wheel drawing.

9) Create a Mirror Copy of the Wheel Object.

To create a mirror copy, we need to know the mid-point between the Front and Rear Wheel. We will draw a Line to show us that point.

Before you start, make sure that you have activated Snap function and turned on the Mid-Point.
9-1) Draw a Line from the center point of the Wheel Object to the center of the Rear Wheel drawing.
9-2) If you can’t see the Line, set the Image Frame property to have Background Transparency.
9-2-1) Click the border of the Image Frame.
9-2-2) When the Context Tab appears in the Ribbon, select Background Transparency.
9-2-3) The Line should be visible now.
9-3) Select Mirror Tool.
9-4) Select the Wheel Object. Press ENTER.
9-5) Bring the mouse to follow the Line towards the Rear Wheel drawing until the mid-point symbol appear. Click that point.
9-6) Move the mouse upward a little bit and click.
9-7) The Command Line will prompt you “Erase source objects?”. Press Enter to accept the default answer, No.
9-8) The Mirror Copy is created exactly on the Rear Wheel drawing.
9-9) Delete the Line object as it is not needed anymore.

10) Create a Normal Copy of the Wheel Object

To create a Normal Copy, we have to select the object, specify Base Point and define the Target Point.
10-1) Go to the Ribbon. Select Home/Modify/Copy.
10-2) Click the Rear Wheel Object and press ENTER.
You will see the prompt below in Command Line.
10-3) Click the Center point of the Rear Wheel Object.
10-4) Click on the Spare Wheel drawing location and press ENTER to quit from Copy function.
10-5) Outcome:

DOWNLOAD: car-model-1.dwg



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