Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Creating Multi-View For Animation Model

Creating Multi-View For Animation Model
The 3D SketchUp model can be downloaded from here, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B86b-ALn-1MGd2NfSm04cm5GdTg/edit?usp=sharing 

1) Open 3D Object.

1=1) Select spongebobmodels
1=2) There are three models within a group.
1=3) Click the group.
1=4) Right-click and select Explode.
1=5) The group is exploded into three new separate groups.
1=6) Delete the other two models.

2) Keeping Multi-Views as Scenes.

2=1) Position your view as follows.
Your model is at the right of the application window.
The palms of both hands are at the Perspective Line.
2=2) Add a scene “FrontView”.
2=3) Using Orbit Tool, hover your mouse over the left palm, click and move to the left along the Perspective Line.
Stop orbiting when you have the ¾ view. Make sure the feet do not overlap.
2=4) Repeat the same for SideView, 3/4BackView and BackView.

3) Importing scenes as individual image layers in Photoshop.

3=1) Capture screenshot for each scene as paste as new layer in Photoshop document.
3=2) Using Selection Tool, delete the background.
3=3) Save your document as spongebobmodels.psd
4) Export Layers as Paths
4=1) Make work paths for each layer.
4=2) Export each of the work paths as Illustrator File.
Now You have Five Views ready for Anime Studio Character Modeling.

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