1) Start Anime Studio
1.1) The main application window.
1.2) Find the Layer Panel
2) Create a shape.
2.1) Select Yellow colour from the Swatches in Style Panel.
2.2) Click the shape icon.
2.3) Click the ellipse icon.
2.4) Draw an ellipse on the canvas.
3) Adding a Layer 2.
3.1) Select Red colour from the Swatches in Style Panel.
3.1) Go to the Layers Panel, click the New Layer button.
3.2) Choose Vector type.
3.3) A new Vector layer is added to the canvas.
Note that Layer 2 is below the Layer 1.
3.4) Create a Triangle.
3.5) Using mouse, click the Triangle and move it to the Ellipse location.
Note that Triangle goes on top of Ellipse because of its layer position (as seen in the Step 3.2)
3.6) Reposition the objects as follows.
4) Adding Layer 3.
4.1) Select Blue colour from the Swatches in Style Panel.
4.2) Add Layer 3 based on Vector type.
4.3) Position objects as follows.
4.4) Try to move the Triangle in between the Ellipse and Rectangle and you will notice that the Triangle is above the Ellipse but below the Rectangle.
5) Frame
5.1) Frame 0 is the workspace.
5.2) Editing will be done at Frame 1 onwards.
5.3) Before editing, check the setting to ensure the right parameter value is set.
Go to MENU File/Project Settings…
5.4) The Dimensions Panel.
Note that Frame rate=24 means 24 frames persecond (fps)
Therefore, a total of 240 frames represent 10 seconds.
6) Keyframe - Moving the Ellipse to a new location at a new Keyframe.
6.1) Click the time point 24.
6.2) Click the new location for the Ellipse.
6.3) Notice that the timeline has been updated with animation symbol. The two circles located at the timeline no 24 is known as a keyframe.
6.4) When you move the cursor backward and forward, the object seems to move as well.
The movement effect of the ellipse is automatically generated by the computer based on the interpolation between the Keyframe 0 and Keyframe 24.
7) Keyframe - Resizing Object.
7.1) Click point 48 in the Timeline.
7.2) Move the Ellipse somewhere towards the left of the canvas
7.3) Click the Resize icon in the Tool panel and resize the Ellipse.
7.4) Notice that when you play the frames, the Ellipse is shown moving from left to right and then from right to left while getting smaller in size.